Saturday, 13 October 2012

I hate decorating...

I know the outcome is going to be fab but it's just the whole upheaval in the meantime. Not to mention not being able to find anything. Can't wait til it's all finished and we'll have a gorgeous bedroom...

Thought I'd share with you the item we made at my craft class yesterday. I call it a boxed bottom bag. This is the original one I made...

And this is the one I made during class...

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Finally... drawing & colouring catch up!

Well I'd had some of these images all drawn up and scanned in black & white for a while so I thought I'd better make an effort and get them coloured and on my Digi Image Blog Shop.  So that's exactly what I did yesterday..... and my blinking hands are paying the price now.

Recently I saw a specialist who told me that I've most likely got Carpal Tunnel in both hands.  I've got a date for Sunday 12th November (yeah a Sunday) to have this electrotherapy/electrocution thingy done on my hands to confirm diagnosis.  If confirmed (and the specialist thinks it will be) then I will have to have separate operations on my hands.  Hence I thought I'd get as much done as I could in regard to digi images etc., especially with Chrimbo on it's way.

Anywho, here's a sneaky screen shot showing just some of the categories, but more specifically the two new categories - 'ANIMALS' & 'CHRISTMAS'.

Pop on over and check them out HERE!

Tracey x

Monday, 8 October 2012


Unfortunately this post is taking me quite some time to type up as my hands are really painful today.  But hey ho, I will just get on with it to let you know about the Free Digi Image we've currently got available on my other blog.  So following on from Andree's suggestion about a Haunted House, I have drawn and coloured in a 'Haunted Mansion' which is available to download HERE.

Also, don't forget to pop along over to my Challenge Blog HERE to be in with a chance of winning some fab prizes.


Tracey x

Friday, 5 October 2012

What would you prefer?

Hi guys

Had a busy morning, this morning as I did my class at Papercuts. Today we made a Christmas Basket. One of my students had a bit of difficulty so I ended up giving her the one I made in class. I don't begrudge doing it because I've got a lovely class of ladies.

Anyway, I'm currently sitting here thinking about what I should have for my next FREEBIE over at my 'other' blog - I was thinking of things to do with Halloween and I'm ready with my pencil in hand. Any ideas of what you'd like to see in particular?

Tracey x

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Well 'hello' there...

Hello and welcome to my first blog post on my newby new personal bloggy.  Thought I'd better post something on here so at least there's some kind've drivvle anybody who might come across it, can see (or quickly close down and never cross again!!).  Sorry, that is a trait of mine, in that I will put myself down and it's hard to believe in yourself when you do that.

Anyhoodles, quickly moving on.... today my husband and I (sounds quite Queeny doesn't it), will hopefully be making a long awaited start on decorating our bedroom.  Don't know how helpful I will be though, but at least I will be there to 'cheer him on!'

...just going to strangle our cat (well shove her outside actually) as she won't shut up!!

Come back soon if you want to be bored out of your mind some more...

Tracey x